The Pelisor castle is part of the vast architectural ensemble created by King Carol I, along the Peles river’s valley, during the entire period of his reign. It was built between 1899 and 1902, as a residence for the Royal Heirs to the throne of Romania, Prince Ferdinand and Princess Marie.
As opposed to the solemnity of the Great Castle, the Pelisor Castle, although on the exterior one can easily recognize the German Neo- Renaissance style, is decorated in a new, modern style. The construction of the castle, based on the plans of the architect Karel Liman, respected the requirements of King Carol I, towards the exterior architecture, with Fachwerk elements, adding however Neo-Romanian elements, which give the building a cheerful note: for instance, the two towers covered with colored tiles, similar to the spires of the churches from Bucovina.
In terms of interior architecture, Karel Liman used, undoubtedly at the request of Princess Marie, along with elements of Art Nouveau, specific Romanian elements, splitting the space through the use of Brancovan elements, the division of space in horizontal plan.
The interior decoration, conceived by Marie herself in different periods of time, between 1902-1903 and 1925-1928, illustrated her creed in aesthetics and art.
The Pelisor castle reveals, through its interior ornamentation, the romantic, mysterious personality, of Queen Marie of Romania, the promoter of a new and unusual art, for the style chosen by her for this “dream house” is Art Nouveau.